How effective time management can optimise your business

The importance of time management is widely recognised by those who wish to streamline the processes and functions of their staff and business. Paying bills on time, managing employees, scheduling jobs and ensuring clients are invoiced can be a frustrating process without the correct system in place.

According to management consulting firm McKinsey & Company, business owners who wish to achieve this goal need to address the issue at an institutional level, and stop approaching time management as an individual problem. 

While it can be a struggle to maintain a personal time management schedule, Advanced Business Manager’s Time Management System (TMS) can take the stress out of time-keeping and help you focus on the aspects of your business that matter. 

Below are just a few of the ways that business management software can help make your company more efficient. 

Keep track of your staff

A breakdown of communication can be a source of frustration in businesses, especially when there are only a few employees. With TMS, you can record and monitor whether staff are at work or on break, with employees able to set the amount of time until they return.

Knowing whether your employees are available or not can save time on communication, and having an organised schedule will save you the embarrassment of double-booking appointments.

Smart business software can be implemented regardless of company size.

Manage your jobs and processes

With TMS’ Job Management interface, you’re able to list and report detailed information about each individual job. 

With an effective tracking system, you can record data such as labour costs and charges, disbursements and invoices, and show payments received for the job. Clients can be billed accurately and on time – with the logging of labour information you can ensure to never incorrectly calculate an invoice. 

Being able to set due dates, update the status of a job and generate reports on the total number of fees outstanding and received could increase the productivity of your business. 

Branching out with your business

Staff settings with TMS allow those with authorisation to set up individual rosters, access jobs and create specific security permissions for each employee. 

While small businesses can benefit from effective time management, there is no limit to the scope of use for TMS. Whether you have a single headquarters or a multi-branch company with a wide range of offices, smart business software can be implemented regardless of company size. 

Managing the time and processes of your business can be a daunting prospect without the correct system in place. Advanced Business Manager’s TMS provides a smart and effective solution to your time management concerns. 

Reach out to us today, and book a free demo to find out how business intelligence software can increase the performance of your employees and business.

An effective time management system can increase company productivity.An effective time management system can increase company productivity.

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